Migrate from V2

Step 0. Download Operator

Download the latest operator binary from here.

Step 1. Validator keys recovery

Follow the steps to recover the keystores using your validator keys mnemonic here.

After recovery add fake deposit_data.json file to your operator's vault directory, with content:

[{"pubkey": "8bfc0efc0209514a62cda2de8346a3a0849352eb830e0ff5b525642d93b9095d879a2789b284da14e348f85711b6b6d0", "withdrawal_credentials": "010000000000000000000000ac0f906e433d58fa868f936e8a43230473652885", "amount": 32000000000, "signature": "b55612acebde460bb273d100bc1574a21aea12f168ad7921cca855b6bf587646b0da329d4b17944773a876a90d87939a001a3857ca224b300ebe57703dce6be37d074e892fd65aa64e92284092efa14c38c1ed17f9fb4e3cd7a585ea66d46b03", "deposit_message_root": "f39eaed6c4c7e3e4563a3b5f3f1ca195c761f10517a5b303031d453dd3be28be", "deposit_data_root": "2d85d54c2b3d1a593f0f974d41fded6d68910e59adfc2d4e90ec74bb2e91e3c4", "fork_version": "00000000", "network_name": "mainnet", "deposit_cli_version": "2.4.0"}]

Step 1.1. Import Genesis Keys (If applicable)

If you run keys from the Verihash operator before continuing, you must import them. This can be done with the following command:

./operator \
   import-genesis-keys \
   --rsa-key /path/to/rsa_key \
   --exported-keys-dir /path/to/keys \
   --vault vault_address

Step 2. Setup operator database

Create new database called operator and the user for the database. Follow Steps 1 and 2 from the guide for loading keystores and configurations into the database.

Step 3. Start web3signer

To start web3signer, use our chart. With values.yaml

    network: mainnet
    vault: 0xac0f906e433d58fa868f936e8a43230473652885
dbUrl: jdbc:postgresql://postgres:postgres@localhost/web3signer
dbUsername: web3signer
dbPassword: <password goes here>
dbKeystoreUrl: postgresql://postgres:postgres@localhost/operator
decryptionKey: <decrypt key goes here>

The deployment command looks like this:

helm repo add stakewise https://charts.stakewise.io
helm upgrade --install web3signer stakewise/web3signer \
  -n web3signer \
  -f values.yaml

Step 4. Create wallet and Kubernetes secret

Сreate operator hot wallet by following the instructions here.

Before deploying v3-operator service create kubernetes secret with operator wallet:

kubectl create secret -n operator generic v3-operator-wallet-data \

Step 5. Start the Operator

To start the operator, use our chart. With values.yaml:

    network: mainnet
    vault: 0xac0f906e433d58fa868f936e8a43230473652885
    executionEndpoints: https://node.example.com/mainnet-nethermind
    consensusEndpoints: https://node.example.com/mainnet-lighthouse
    walletSecretName: wallet-secret
        enabled: true
        dbUrl: postgresql://postgres:postgres@localhost/operator
        remoteSignerUrl: http://web3signer.web3signer:6174

The deployment command looks like this:

helm repo add stakewise https://charts.stakewise.io
helm upgrade --install v3-operator stakewise/v3-operator \
  -n operator \
  -f values.yaml

Step 6. Start the Validators

To start the validators, use our chart. With values.yaml:

    network: mainnet
    vault: 0xac0f906e433d58fa868f936e8a43230473652885
dbKeystoreUrl: postgresql://postgres:postgres@localhost/operator
enabled: true
type: lighthouse
validatorsCount: 1
suggestedFeeRecipient: 0x48319f97E5Da1233c21c48b80097c0FB7a20Ff86
web3signerEndpoint: http://web3signer.web3signer:6174
    - https://node.example.com/mainnet-lighthouse
        - --builder-proposals

The deployment command looks like this:

helm repo add stakewise https://charts.stakewise.io
helm upgrade --install validators stakewise/web3signer-validators \
  -n validators \
  -f values.yaml

Last updated